谷水学术沙龙第二十三期:Pathways for achieving sustainable and resilient food-water systems
发布日期: 2024- 09- 16 访问次数:


时间:2024年09月18日 下午15:00



报告题目:Pathways for achieving sustainable and resilient food-water systems

报告人:Dr. Kyle Frankel Davis


报告简介:Sustainable food systems aim to provide sufficient and nutritious food while maximizing climate resilience and minimizing environmental impacts. Yet historical practices, notably the Green Revolution, prioritized the single objective to maximize production over other nutritional and environmental dimensions. With a focus on the food-water-climate nexus, this lecture will present new and emerging approaches for measuring the current state of food system sustainability - with a focus on water - and will explore possible pathways to maintain humanity's achievements while overcoming past shortcomings of global food systems.


报告人简介:Dr. Davis is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Data Science at the University of Delaware (UD). His work focuses on food systems, water sustainability, and environmental change from local to national (India, Nigeria, China, the US) to global scales. His research employs data-driven mixed methods to quantify environmental, economic, and social dimensions of sustainability and to explore food system solutions for improving incomes, nutrition, natural resource use, and climate adaptation. Prior to joining UD in 2019, he was a Data Science Fellow and Earth Institute Fellow at Columbia University (New York) and a Nature Net Science Fellow with The Nature Conservancy. He earned his PhD in Environmental Sciences with a focus on Hydrology from the University of Virginia and is a proud graduate of UD (BS Biochemistry). So far, Dr. Davis has published more than 20 papers in Nature/Science/PNAS and their sister journals.


联系人:刘文丰     Email:wenfeng.liu@cau.edu.cn

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