谷水学术沙龙第十八期:Brazilian irrigated agriculture to provide world food security
发布日期: 2023- 05- 15 访问次数:

报告人:Prof. Durval Dourado Neto, Department of Crop Science, University of São Paulo (USP)

报告题目:Brazilian irrigated agriculture to provide world food security

时    间:9:00 AM, May 19, 2023 (Beijing time)

地    点:Room 304, Water Resource Building, China Agricultural University (East Campus), Beijing


报告人简介:Dr. Durval Dourado Neto is a full professor in the Department of Crop Science at the University of São Paulo (USP), and also Dean of Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (Esalq). He obtained his B.S. in Agronomic Engineering from the Federal University of Viçosa in 1984, and M.Sc. in Agronomy (Irrigation and Drainage) and Ph.D. in Agronomy (Soil Science and Plant Nutrition) from the University of São Paulo in 1989 and 1992 respectively. Dr. Durval expertises in the field of agronomy, soil physics, crop modelling, and irrigation and water manegement. He has currently published over 260 academic articles and over 20 books and trained over 120 students and post-doctoral fellows. He has been awarded the Research Productivity Fellowship (Level 1A), Brazil.

报告简介:Irrigation is an important guarantee for food security. This report will introduce the impact of Brazilian irrigated agriculture on global food production, and it will also provide certain references and guidance for the development of irrigation agriculture in China and the national food security guarantee.



联系人:Prof. Jun Niu                niuj@cau.edu.cn

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